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Home Test Providers

Our home testing service provides a robust infrastructure for convenient and reliable blood and genetic tests.

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Key Benefits

Streamlined process

Avail of our established workflows for a modern home testing experience.

Intuitive and accurate

We provide a user-friendly platform to enable kits to be ordered, reviewed and reported on.


Our platform allows your users to conveniently take control of their health from the comfort of their home.

How it works

Streamline the process and ensure accuracy

Our health assessment software streamlines the entire testing process, from test selection to result analysis. With intuitive interfaces and seamless lab integrations, providers can efficiently manage a high volume of tests with ease.

One of the key pain points for home testing providers is ensuring accuracy and reliability. Our software addresses this by implementing advanced algorithms and quality control measures, minimising errors and ensuring precise interpretations. This not only enhances the credibility of the provider but also instils trust and confidence in the users.

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Ensure accessibility and provide valuable insights to end users

Accessibility is a crucial aspect we prioritise. Our software is designed to be user-friendly for both providers and end-users, ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish. Additionally, it offers flexibility, allowing users to access their reports securely online at their convenience.

Furthermore, our software provides clinician-approved interpretations, empowering providers to identify trends, track outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their services continually.

“Collaborating with Full Health & Eurofins Biomnis Ireland, empowerDX quickly went live with our home testing service. The team were very responsive, addressing our requests with efficiency and deep knowledge, contributing to the success of our service."

Dr. Marie Louise Flannery, Commercial Director, empowerDX

See the product in action

Book a call with us and we'll show you how Full Health Medical could support your organisation's health and wellbeing strategy